Since 2016, the Singapore Stock Exchange (“SGX”) requires all 800+ Singapore public-listed companies to file Annual Sustainability Reports in addition to financial reports. Starting 2023, SGX requires climate-risk reporting so that climate impact on business operations, and how business operations impact the environment. On 6 July 2023, ACRA announced mandatory Sustainability Reporting for 2,200 non-listed companies with annual revenue greater than S$100 million with effect from 2027 to 2030. Almost 100% of Singapore SMEs are suppliers to 3,000 listed and non-listed large enterprises. These 3,000 large companies will likely require their suppliers and customers to provide sustainability data (on carbon footprint, climate risk disclosures, employment, good governance track records, etc) in order for them to comply to ACRA and SGX reporting requirements.

Recently, the Singapore government has announced that it will be incorporating a scoring system to assess all suppliers’ sustainability performance as part of public procurement evaluation. In view of the above developments, there has been a significant number of requests from SMEs seeking help to get them ready for sustainability disclosures expected of them by their large buyers. We have thus curated 3-month on-hassle-free the-job-training (Capstone Programme) for existing/ new staff of SMEs to equip them with the following:
1. Principles of Sustainability, Carbon Footprint and Climate Reporting
2. Develop and implement sustainability policy for their companies.
3. Use of tech to automate Sustainability reporting and disclosures.
This Career Conversion Programme (“CCP”) – Tech Professionals – Business Intelligence Manager is managed by SGTech and supported by Global Sustainability Nexus “GSN: The CCP is opened to all Singapore-based registered companies to apply. Who to apply: All Companies Directors, Managers, Administrative, HR and Finance executives
All approved applications by Singapore-based companies will receive salary support of 70% capped at total salary of $24,000 for 6 months of on-the-job (“OJT”) training) for each employee re-deployed into a Sustainability Job. For matured workers above 40 years old, the salary support is 90% capped at a total salary of $36,000 for 6 months of OJT This 6-month OJT includes a 3-month Capstone Programme conducted by GSN.

The Capstone Programme shall be conducted in batches of 40 to 50 person per intake. Do register your interest now. Companies on waitlist shall be notified as soon as new round of intake commences.

Register your interest at
CCP Enquiries only:
Whatsapp: 97351298